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Our Maui grown plant and seed products are the only brand in Hawaii that has received the prestigious Hawaii Seal of Quality. This is your guarantee that our products are grown in Hawaii and adhere to the strict quality guidelines the seal requires.Hawaiian Plumeria blossoms are often sewn into fresh flower lei or placed on a table for decoration. As a tree, when blooming, the blossoms provide a fragrant, beautiful addition to your yard or patio. Plumeria come in a multitude of colors and varieties - each one having its own unique sweet fragrance. "Planting Instructions:" Step (1) Fill a 6-inch pot with a good grade of potting soil. Make sure the pot has a drainage hole. Step (2) Place the cut end of the stalk 2 inches into the soil and keep the soil moist. Rooting should take place in 1 to 2 months. Step (3) After Plumeria is rooted, you may fertilize the plant with a general-purpose fertilizer. Plumeria like lots of light and warmth. They can be grown inside in a sunny window or outside during warm weather. Step (4) After the roots are well established, the Plumeria can be transplanted into a bigger pot or planted in a garden that is not susceptible to freezing.
Got a question? Email Mickey Steinborn, President, MauiShirts.com, Inc.
The images depicted on all pages of any Hawaiian shirt or Hawaiian dress is a random selection of the print. There are no two prints that are identical; every man's shirt print, boy's shirt print, girl's or women's dress print will be unique.
MauiShirts.com, Inc., Michael (Mickey) B. Steinborn reserves the right to do, or not to do, business with you. If you attempt fraud, are abusive or rude in your communications your email address, name will be removed from our monthly email special sales. MauiShirts.com, Inc. will not tolerate rude and disrespectful people. We do business with a spirit of Aloha. We practice Aloha. We will not accept new orders from any customer if untrue, unfounded, negative remarks, feedback is posted in the Yahoo public forum. The Yahoo public forum is something we enable for you. It is there for us to improve our service to you and others. It is not there for you to make unwarranted remarks or comments.
Copyright © 2024 MauiShirts.com Inc., Michael (Mickey) B. Steinborn - Copyright © 1998 - 2024 MauiShirts.com - Copyright infringement is a civil and criminal offense.
Willful violation can result in penalties up to $ 100,000.00 per infringement. No portion of this web site, MauiShirts.com Inc.; images, photographs, text, may be reproduced by printing, photocopying or by any other means of mechanical or electronic reproduction without the express written permission from MauiShirts.com, Inc.