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Our Maui grown plant and seed products are the only brand in Hawaii that has received the prestigious Hawaii Seal of Quality. This is your guarantee that our products are grown in Hawaii and adhere to the strict quality guidelines the seal requires.Guavas have a higher concentration of all vitamins, especially vitamin A and vitamin C, when compared to apples. Guava is also richer in vitamin E, vitamin K and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6. Maui is known for its sweet onions. The volcanic soil in upcountry Maui produces some of the sweetest onions in the world. Lilikoi, or more commonly known Passion Fruit, is a tropical fruit that is high in vitamin C and makes great juice or smoothies. Hawaiian Chili peppers mature to a bright red color and are available year-round. The small peppers are very big on spice, and rank high on the Scoville Heat scale, around 200,000 SHU. "Guava Planting Instructions:" Place seeds between wet paper towels and put in a zip lock plastic bag in a sunny window for one to three weeks. Add a couple of drops of water to the towels each week. Plant within three days of germination. Fill a 4-inch pot with packaged potting soil. Thoroughly soak with water. Press one guava seed into the center of the pot. Cover it with 1/4 inch of potting soil. Place in a warm place with a temperature of 65 degrees F. or above. Guava cannot take a freeze. "Papaya Planting Instructions:" Fill a 12 inch or larger pot with good potting soil and water thoroughly. Sprinkle the seeds over the top of the soil and then cover lightly with more soil. Mist the top-soil and place in a warm, dry place with lots of sun. Papayas cannot take a freeze. Once they are growing, water just as the soil dries out. Do not over water. Fertilize regularly with a general-purpose fertilizer. "Sweet Maui Onion Planting Instructions:" Fill a potting container with potting soil. Make two furrows, about 1/2 deep. Sprinkle seeds in the furrows and cover them lightly with more soil mix. As seedlings sprout, keep them short by cutting the top inch of growth once or twice. Use the trimmings in salads or soups. When seedlings are strong, separate, and put 1 or 2 seedlings in a 6-inch pot, or in a furrow in a garden. Grow to mature onion size. Onion plants cannot take a freeze. "Lilikoi Passion Fruit Planting Instructions:" The plant is a climbing vine that needs lots of sun and good fertile soil. Germinate seeds by planting them in small container with potting soil. Cover seeds with 1/2 in of soil. Seeds should sprout within 30 days. When seedlings are 8 in tall, transfer to larger pot with trellis and let the plant climb. This plant cannot take a freeze. Move indoors to sunny window before the first frost. "Plumeria Planting Instructions:" Fill a 4-inch pot with good potting soil and some vermiculite. Water the potting soil first. Place one plumeria seed in the pot with the wings up, cover with 1/4 inch of the wet potting soil. Keep the pot in the warmest, sunny area; they like greenhouse conditions. Keep the soil moist and mist regularly. Plumeria cannot take a freeze and will not germinate in cold weather. The seed should sprout within the first 30 days. Seed colors do not necessarily remain true to the parent, so your variety will be a surprise! "Chili Pepper Planting Instructions:" Fill up a 6-inch pot with packaged potting soil. Soak the soil. Sprinkle 3 or 4 seeds over the top of the soil and then cover lightly with more soil. Place in a warm dry place with lots of sun. This plant cannot take a freeze. Water just as soil is dry, do not over water. When established, fertilize regularly with a general-purpose fertilizer. |
Got a question? Email Mickey Steinborn, President, MauiShirts.com, Inc.
The images depicted on all pages of any Hawaiian shirt or Hawaiian dress is a random selection of the print. There are no two prints that are identical; every man's shirt print, boy's shirt print, girl's or women's dress print will be unique.
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